Wednesday 17 October 2012


LOL! Heya Dudes and Dudines. :) Going to post about my love life (emang punya? pfft)

Tapi, saudara-saudara.. coba deh tanyain sama temen-temenku tentang love life ku. Dijamin deh mereka pada ngakak semua. :p

Gimana ngga. 

Semua juga tau kalau sampe sekarang ini aku JOMBLO. 

Dan mereka nganggap aku ngga pernah tertarik sama mahluk-mahluk yang berjenis "CowoK".

Well, memang sih jomblo, tapi aku ga JoNes (Jomblo Ngenes). Dan please deh, you guys. Saya ngga Jomblo tapi saya Single. :p (Kata @Pocongggg sih Jomblo itu nasib, single itu prinsip. Dan aku ngga pernah terbebani sama status ini)

Dan 1 kesalahan aneh yang mereka buat lagi. Mereka bilang aku ngga pernah tertarik sama cowok? ._.

Lalu foto-foto Benedict Cumberbatch yang cakep di HP ku itu apaan!? (buka aib)

Jadi, let me explain. 

Kalau temen-temen cewekku yang bilang kalau aku ngga pernah tertarik sama cowok, itu bisa kumaafkan. (Meskipun jarang)

Tapi kalau temen-temen cowokku yang bilang gitu, aku pasti ketawa deh. 

Jadi gini. Aku tertarik kok sama cowok (ex. : Benedict Cumberbatch, Andrew Scott, PLUFFY -kalau bisa dihitung. But he is always my little man-). Tapi kalau masalahnya, apakah di lingkunganku saat ini ada cowok yang benar-benar menarik buat aku? Jadi, jangan salahkan aku ngga tertarik sama cowok. Tapi salahkan kenapa cowok-cowok itu ngga bisa jadi menarik buat aku. (JLEB JLEB JLEB)

Daaaaan, sebenarnya banyak yang menarik kok.. Tapi, yang menarik-menarik itu nggak banyak yang baik. 

Habis gimana.. Kita frontal aja yah, say. :)

And I didn't say that Aku Gak Mau Pacaran Dulu. 

Kalau detik ini juga aku ketemu orang yang pantas kupacarin, bakal kupacarin langsung kok. Tapi masalahnya sampai sekarang orang kayak gitu nggak ada. :)

Gimana lagi cara cari orang kayak yang kumau. Zaman ini mah orang-orang pada baru kenal besoknya langsung jadian. Besoknya langsung nangis-nangisan. PUTUS DEH! 

Ngga capek yah gitu terus? Makanya, If I have to date someone, he has to be my best friend. 

Gimanapun, sahabat itu udah kayak keluarga. Kalau udah sahabatan lalu pacaran kan semuanya gampang. Udah tau jeleknya masing-masing pas masih sahabatan. Udah bisa saling ngertiin. Udah akrab gitu deh. Kalau akhirnya pacaran, dijamin deh ngga bakal awkward!

Nah zaman sekarang? Oknum x ketemu target, belum pernah ngomong, udah langsung dicari FB nya, twitternya, add, follow, chat, DM. Belum diconfirm friend requestnya, belum difollow back, ngga pernah dibales chatnya, ngga pernah dibales DM nya, oknum x nya udah cinta mati beli mas kawin buat target. -___-' Instan seinstan-instannya. Mie instan kalah deh.

Yes, I sound really picky about this shitty love. Tapi, emang di hidup ini kita bisa kenyang sama yang namanya cinta? Get real, man! Yang ada mati! 

Trust me. Love is always the biggest disadvantage in your life. 

Mumpung sekarang lagi punya waktu buat siapin masa depan, mending cinta itu jauh-jauh dulu deh. Mending mana? Cinta atau Cita-cita? 

Dan lagu yang menurutku pas banget buat post kali ini adalah Fifteen -nya Taylor Swift. 

Here. :)

Fifteen lyrics
Songwriters: Swift, Taylor Alison;

You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
And you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way

It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before"

'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Well, count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be

You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
And soon enough you're best friends
Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
We'll be outta here as soon as we can

And then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
And you're feeling like flying
And you're momma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one
And you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends
When the night ends

'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen and your first kiss
Makes your head spin 'round
But in your life you'll do things greater than
Dating the boy on the football team
But I didn't know it at fifteen

When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now

Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind and we both cried

'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
I've found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen

Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors

Au Revoir! Bonne nuit!



Christopher Ernesto said...
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Christopher Ernesto said...

I totally agree with this heavenly statement

Unknown said...

LOL! thanks bruh! (y)